February is Skating Month!

We are excited to announce that we will be skating throughout the month of February as part of our physical education program. There will be no fee as the Town of Valleyview has generously offered us the use of rink at no cost.
The following rules are taken from the Town of Valleyview, Recreational Department ICE Rules Document, and all students are expected to follow. Failure to abide by these rules, could result in the student’s loss of skating privileges.
● Ice helmets are mandatory for anyone under the age of 18 (no bike helmets)
● No horseplay will be tolerated on the ice or anywhere in the building
● Sticks, pucks, and/or balls will not be permitted as they require all skaters to wear a helmet with full face coverage
Dates and times can be found on our calendar by clicking here
We also want to remind you that while our school has a few extra pairs of skates available, the number is limited. We highly encourage you to ensure that your child has their own skates.
Finally, we are looking for parent volunteers to help tie skates at the rink. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated and would contribute to making the experience smoother and more enjoyable for all the students.